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Persian Onager

Scientific Name: Equus hemionus onager

Average Lifespan: 8–12 years

Conservation Status: Endangered

Persian Onager in Iran's wildlife – A young Persian Onager standing in the arid landscapes of Iran. This rare wild ass is a key species of animals of Iran, adapted to desert life.
Iran animals – Persian Onager herd – A group of Persian Onagers traversing snowy terrain in Iran. These endangered animals of Iran are built for extreme climates.

The Persian Onager, a subspecies of the Asiatic wild ass, is a unique animal native to Iran's wildlife. Known for its speed and endurance, it roams the arid desert regions of Iran. These animals of Iran are highly adapted to dry environments, requiring minimal water. Persian Onagers have short, dense coats that change color with the seasons, helping them regulate body temperature. Their population has declined due to habitat destruction and competition with livestock. Conservation efforts are in place to protect this vital species of Iranian wildlife. Persian Onagers are social animals, often forming small herds led by a dominant male. They play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of Iran’s desert ecosystems. With their resilience and adaptability, they remain a symbol of Iran’s unique biodiversity.

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