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Baluchistan Black Bear

Scientific Name: Ursus thibetanus gedrosianus

Average Lifespan: 14–17 years

Conservation Status: Vulnerable

A Persian Baluchistan black bear in its natural habitat, representing Iran wildlife and the unique animals of Iran. This rare subspecies thrives in the forests and mountains of southeastern Iran.
Close-up of a Persian Baluchistan black bear, a distinctive species among Iran animals. This elusive member of Iran wildlife is known for its striking chest markings and adaptation to harsh environments.

The Persian Baluchistan black bear is one of the rarest animals of Iran, primarily found in the southeastern regions. This species is a crucial part of Iran wildlife, often dwelling in mountainous and forested areas. Recognized by its distinctive V-shaped chest marking, it is one of the most elusive Iranian animals. The Baluchistan black bear is an omnivore, feeding on fruits, insects, and small mammals. These Persian bears play a vital role in their ecosystems by dispersing seeds and maintaining balance. Despite their adaptability, habitat loss and human conflict threaten their survival. Conservation efforts are in place to protect these remarkable Iran animals from extinction. Unlike other bear species, they are smaller and more arboreal, often climbing trees for food. Their thick fur helps them endure Iran’s fluctuating temperatures. As a keystone species, their presence is crucial to maintaining biodiversity in Iran wildlife.

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