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Irans' Global Contribution to Industry

Explore Iran's influential role in global industry across key sectors like agriculture, oil and gas, automobile manufacturing, and mining. Uncover its significant contributions and pioneering strides.

iranian exports

Agricultural Exports


Iran stands as a global powerhouse in agricultural exports, leading the world in various categories. Notably, Iran holds the top position as the largest exporter of pistachios, surpassing all other competitors. Additionally, it ranks as the leading exporter of figs globally, with 8,763 tonnes exported in 2021, showcasing its dominance in the agricultural market. Moreover, Iran claims the second-largest exporter status for raisins and eggplants, and third-largest for watermelons and currants. In terms of production, Iran's agricultural prowess extends further, ranking among the top producers in various categories such as dates, honey, nuts, almonds, and watermelons, solidifying its position as a key player in the global agricultural landscape.

Oil and Natural Gas

Iran maintains a significant position in global energy markets, standing as the fifth-largest crude oil producer within OPEC in 2021. Moreover, it asserts dominance in natural gas production, ranking as the third-largest producer worldwide in 2020. With vast reserves, Iran holds some of the world's largest deposits of proved oil and natural gas reserves, securing its status as the third-largest oil and second-largest natural gas reserve holder globally in 2021. Notably, Iran's oil reserves in the Middle East constituted 24% and accounted for 12% globally by the end of 2021, underscoring its pivotal role in the energy landscape.

Iran oil and gas
Iran Automobile

Automobile Industry

Iran's automotive industry stands as the country's second most active sector, following its oil and gas industry, highlighting its significant economic contribution. With a production output of 1.2 million vehicles in 2023, Iran secured its position as the 15th largest automobile producer globally. This robust production capacity underscores Iran's pivotal role in the automotive market, contributing substantially to both domestic and international automotive demand.

Mining Sector

Iran's mining sector boasts significant potential, holding some 68 types of minerals and substantial reserves valued at $770 billion in 2014. Notably, it ranks among the top 15 mineral-rich countries globally, with reserves including zinc, where it holds the world's largest reserves. Despite this abundance, mineral production contributes just 0.6% to Iran's GDP, attributed to various challenges such as infrastructure limitations and exploration difficulties. In 2019, Iran stood as the second-largest global producer of gypsum, the eighth-largest of molybdenum, and the 11th largest of iron ore. Additionally, it held the distinction of being the world's eighth-largest producer of antimony and the 18th largest of sulfur, along with being the 21st largest producer of salt.

Iran mining
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